Gallery Central


local art by local people

Origins of the Gallery

During a ‘Back to Nhill’ weekend celebration in 2010, local creative, Jeanette McLeod, organised a ‘pop-up art gallery’ to add colour and interest in the town.

She asked her artist friends to display their work in a small shop that she rented for a couple of weeks.

The temporary gallery was a huge success on that special weekend. The Nhill artists then wondered if they could dare to dream big and create a permanent art gallery in their small town. Would it succeed?

From small things big things grow, and thanks to a tireless and passionate group of individuals, a committee was formed and Nhill’s Gallery Central’ was created.  The Gallery opened for business in December 2010. Since then, it has changed venues and has grown larger both in art space and membership.

The current building has a rich commercial history in Nhill, which has been honoured by retaining much of the original architecture and features. This adds character and charm, whilst maintaining the original gallery concept of providing a welcoming place for local creatives, the local community and travellers to enjoy. 

Origins of the Gallery

During a ‘Back to Nhill’ weekend celebration in 2010, local creative, Jeanette McLeod, organised a ‘pop-up art gallery’ to add colour and interest in the town.

She asked her artist friends to display their work in a small shop that she rented for a couple of weeks.

The temporary gallery was a huge success on that special weekend. The Nhill artists then wondered if they could dare to dream big and create a permanent art gallery in their small town. Would it succeed?

From small things big things grow, and thanks to a tireless and passionate group of individuals, a committee was formed and Nhill’s Gallery Central was created.

The Gallery opened for business in December 2010. Since then, it has changed venues and has grown larger both in building size and membership numbers. The current building has a rich history and the original character and architecture have been maintained to honour that history, while still maintaining the original concept of providing a welcoming, attractive space for local creatives, the local community and travellers to enjoy.

Become a Member

Gallery Central is always open to accepting new members.

Currently membership applications will only be considered from artists and makers from within the Hindmarsh Shire. In assessing applications, the committee will be looking for original and creative input. Application forms are available from the Gallery, and can be submitted, along with a sample of artwork for consideration.

We pride ourselves in having a wide range of skills exhibited by our members, this includes painters, drawers, potters, sculptors, metal artists, jewellery makers, textile creators, woodworkers, photographers, and mosaic creators.

Become a Member

Gallery Central is always open to accepting new members.

Currently membership applications will only be considered from artists and makers from within the Hindmarsh Shire. In assessing applications, the committee will be looking for original and creative input. Application forms are available from the Gallery, and can be submitted, along with a sample of artwork for consideration.

We pride ourselves in having a wide range of skills exhibited by our members, this includes painters, drawers, potters, sculptors, metal artists, jewellery makers, textile creators, woodworkers, photographers, and mosaic creators.

Become a Volunteer

Since its inception Gallery Central has been entirely run by volunteers. This includes the management committee as well as the day-to-day operation of the Gallery.

During the Gallery’s opening times either members of the gallery or members of the general community, volunteer assisting customers.

If you have some spare time, enjoy meeting new people and catching up with old faces, and would like to help out at the Gallery, contact one of the committee members or just drop into the Gallery and express your interest.

Become a Volunteer

Since its inception Gallery Central has been entirely run by volunteers. This includes the management committee as well as the day-to-day operation of the Gallery.

During the Gallery’s opening times either members of the gallery or members of the general community, volunteer assisting customers.

If you have some spare time, enjoy meeting new people and catching up with old faces, and would like to help out at the Gallery, contact one of the committee members or just drop into the Gallery and express your interest.

Hire a Space

Different parts of Gallery Central are available for hire to both Members and Non-members.

We can offer either floor space or wall space in a number of different sizes and locations.

Hire agreements are available from the Gallery.

Hire a Space

Different parts of Gallery Central are available for hire to both Members and Non-members.

We can offer either floor space or wall space in a number of different sizes and locations.

Hire agreements are available from the Gallery.

Hold a Workshop

Part of Gallery Central’s vision is to encourage the participation of new creators and also develop the skills of those already on their journey.

Occasionally we offer workshops from our members or other providers. Please contact the Gallery if you have an idea for a workshop or can facilitate one, or would like to participate in a workshop.

Hold a Workshop

Part of Gallery Central’s vision is to encourage the participation of new creators and also develop the skills of those already on their journey.

Occasionally we offer workshops from our members or other providers. Please contact the Gallery if you have an idea for a workshop or can facilitate one, or would like to participate in a workshop.